Set Our Hearts On Fire

by | May 23, 2021 | Beauty Heals Us, Painting Feature

Descent of the Holy Spirit,2020 by Michelle L Hofer
Descent of the Holy Spirit, 2020 mixed media painting by Michelle L Hofer

Holy God, Holy Breath, Wind, Flame, Spirit:

  • Set our hearts of fire.
  • Burn off all that is dry and lifeless,
  • And grow us anew.

Let your Spirit dance within our spirits,

  • Uprooting us when we have been unmoved
  • And refreshing all that is stale in our lives.

Breathe on us your peace

  • That we will share that peace with all we meet.
  • And hear the silent prayers of our hearts.

— Beth Merrill Neel

A blessed Pentecost to you friends! The above reading was part of our service this morning… a beautiful prayer for this day of Holy Wind and Fire.

Pentecost liturgy

Michelle L Hofer

Hi, I'm Michelle…

A visual artist traveling the dusty roads of history and tradition searching for ENCOURAGEMENT, HOPE and WISDOM. My writings and art find inspiration at the crossroads of creativity and Divine Beauty.

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