They Do Exist

by | Nov 20, 2020 | Beauty Heals Us, Nature Reflection

Pristine Beauty by Michelle L Hofer, 2018
Pristine Beauty – photograph by Michelle L Hofer, taken in Banff National Park Canada 2018

I always thought those pretty mountain scenes Bob Ross was always coming up with were just from his imagination until our family drove through Canada’s lovely Banff National Park a few years back.


Such unimaginable beauty and this photo doesn’t quite do what standing there in person does.

 There is so much here, O Eternal One, so much You have made.

By the wise way in which You create, riches and creatures fill the earth.

Of course, the sea is vast and stretches like the heavens beyond view, and numberless creatures inhabit her.

From the tiny to the great, they swarm beneath her waves. — Psalm 104:24-25

Michelle L Hofer

Hi, I'm Michelle…

A visual artist traveling the dusty roads of history and tradition searching for ENCOURAGEMENT, HOPE and WISDOM. My writings and art find inspiration at the crossroads of creativity and Divine Beauty.

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